How can I make my spot season-ready?


The snow has mostly melted, the first rays of sunshine are tickling our noses, the birds are starting to chirp again, and green is slowly sprouting from the earth... Spring is in the starting blocks, and with it, a new, successful season as host at roadsurfer spots!

In this article, we want to share with you our best tips & tricks to get your spot ready for the season!

Follow these 5 steps and you will be ready for the season!Season_Ready_EN.PNG

    1. How to write an appealing description for my spot?
    2. How to set up a competitive spot price?
    3. How can I market my spot?
    4. How to provide a smooth guest check-in?
    5. How can I manage the availability of my spot?


Want to go the extra mile and be the best host ever for your guests? Then read our bonus tip for outstanding guest experiences here:

How to provide a great guest experience at my spot?



Happy hosting! 

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