How to set up category prices for spots?

Do you want to offer different types of spots/pitches with different equipment? You can offer one pitch next to your house and one on a meadow with a mountain view, but both have the same address. Do you want to offer different categories for a spot, like a tent pitch and a campervan pitch? Then our category feature is the thing you are looking for!

It allows you to set up multiple pitches with different equipment or view within the same spot. You can give more information on the various types of pitches with different price ranges. Furthermore, you can give your guests a better picture of their specific pitch by using a category-specific picture.

In the booking overview, your guests will see all available categories and can choose the one that fits their requirements best.

  How to set it up: (step-by-step-guide video tutorial)


  1. To manage spots click on “Category prices”
  2. Choose types of Categories, and fill in all fields- title, description, number of pitches, size per pitch & base price.)
  3. Upload a picture to show your guests how this specific spot category looks like
  4. Click on “save and exit” to save your changes



    • You must indicate at least two categories. It is not possible to create only one category – e.g. if there’s a “basic” pitch, there must also be a “premium” pitch
    • The base price of your lowest (“basic”) category must be the base price that you indicated in the section “base price” - for "surcharge to the base price”, choose €0 in the lowest category
    • If you have already set additional prices for people, these will also be added to your category base prices


You can set up different pitch categories based on camper type or offers:   

    • Basic- Pitches for tents/ Premium- Pitches for caravans/ Deluxe- Pitches for mobile house 
    • Basic- Pitches with essential facilities (electricity, water, toilet) / Premium- Pitches with essential & Sunna / Deluxe- Pitches with essential, Sauna and wine tasting experiences 
    • Basic- Spots on meadow / Premium- Spots next to the farmhouse/ Deluxe- Spots next to the lake with Sauna access

If you need further assistance, please fill out the contact form to reach us! 

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