How can I create my spot profile?

After you have registered as a host on roadsurfer spots, the most important step comes next: the creation of your spot profile. It should reflect the beauty and the special features of your spot in the best possible way. The more detailed and beautiful your spot profile is, the more bookings you will receive! Creating your spot will take about 20-30 minutes.

Before starting to create the profile, you can prepare all the necessary information to save time for later: 

  • Your spot title and description
  • 4-5 representative pictures of your spot
  • Your spot address and GPS coordinates
  • Set a spot price for your spot
  • The services & facilities, and the surrounding activities your spot can offer

Now you can start creating your spot! This is how to do it: 


  1.  Log into your roadsurfer spots host profile via roadsurfer spots: Login
  2.  In the overview, you will see the button “+ Create new spot” 
  3.  You will now be guided through the whole process by following the bar on the left side. Whenever you have filled in all information for a section, clickNextto save and proceed to the next step.
  4.  Please make sure to fill in all necessary sections- General, Base Price, Extras, and Images. The different pricing options are optional fields but not mandatory to fill for publishing your spot. 
  5. If you want to exit the process, you can click “Save & exit” on the top right - your spot draft will be saved for 10 days unless you publish it or go on with the spot creation.
  6. After the final step of uploading your images, you can click on “Preview” to see how your spot will look on our website.
  7. After that, you can immediately publish your spot, which will be checked and put online by the spots team!

Check out these helpful articles for the creation of your spot: 

* Please make sure to also finish the other mandatory steps so that your spot can go online successfully: Finish your host profile and register with our payment provider Adyen

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