How to set up additional prices for spots?

Additionally to the base price, you can set a price per person (adult and/or child), as well as a price for breakfast.

  To set up additional prices: (step-by-step-guide video tutorial)


    1. Go to your desktop web browser > spots dashboard > manage spots 
    2. Click on “additional prices” on the left > put in your additional prices (if applicable) 
    3. “Save & exit” for changes or click “Next” to add more information 
Additional prices for persons Additional prices for breakfast
If you want to charge an extra price per person on top of the base price, you can set different prices for adults and for children. For instance, if a guest book an overnight at your spot with 2 adults and 2 kids, assuming your base price is €10, the additional price for an adult is €2, and no extra fees for children. Your guest will pay for €14 for a night. 

To avoid confusion and match expectations of the guests, the definition for the guest’s age groups is the same for all spots:
  • Adult: above 14 years old 
  • Children: 4-13 years old


The additional prices will be applied and shown to your guests in the “travel details” section before completing the payment (see below).



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