Can I charge extra fees on site?

We want to keep our pricing features as simple and straightforward as possible for both our hosts and guests. For reasons of simplification, it is not possible to charge for additional services like electricity or water via our website. We suggest not charging extra fees on site, but including all fees within our price-setting features. This helps to avoid confusion and gives your guests a better experience!

You can use:

- Additional price to charge for extra guests or breakfast: How to set up additional prices for a spot?

- Seasonal price to set different prices for different seasons: How to set up season prices?

- Category price for you to provide different types of pitches within one spot: Here’s an example of how you could display an electricity fee on our website with the category prices: You can add a “basic” category without electricity and a “premium” category with electricity.

Want to learn how to use the category feature? Check out this article: How to set up spot category prices?

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