For data protection reasons and to protect your safety and privacy, hosts and guests only receive each other's contact details after a confirmed booking. In every booking confirmation email, you will find the contact details of your guest (name, e-mail address, and phone number). You can use this to send your guest a welcome e-mail or to give check-in instructions. Please do NOT reply directly to booking confirmation, as this reply will not reach your guest, but us, the spots no-reply inbox.
We recommend you use the spot chat function to communicate with your guests with 2 simple steps.
- Log into your roadsurfer spots profile and click on the button "Booking calendar".
- Select the desired booking (by booking number and/or date) and click on "Write a message". Now you can chat directly with your guests!
If you want to view your messages and the communication history with your guests, just go to your profile drop-down list, and click “Messages”.
Now, that you are in contact with your guests the happy hosting journey can start!