What do I need to provide for company Tax ID and registration number?

If you have registered a business payout account (such as a sole proprietorship, company, partnership, or association), we need the following details: Legal business name, business registration address, business registration number, business email, and tax ID.

Please double-check that all information you provided is correct and update it in the requested format.

Company registration number Company Tax ID
Business registration is your company's registration/ commercial number. Please make sure your input data is exactly the same as the document. Examples for each country:

Country Company registration number Example
Austria Firmenbuchnummer FN123456m
Croatia MBS 80020970
France SIRET number or SIREN number SIRET: 542051180-00066
SIREN: 542051180
Germany Handelsregisternummer HRB 100484
Italy Codice fiscale or CCIAA number Codice fiscale: 00470400011 
CCIAA number: TO0091712
Netherlands Kamer van Koophandel (KvK) 34179503
Portugal NIPC 123456789
Spain Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF) A39000013
Slovenia Matična številka 1.01007E+11
Sweden Organisationsnummer 202100-5489
Switzerland UID/IDE/IDI or CH-number UID/IDE/IDI: CHE123456789
CH- number: CH-550.0.067.293-5

If you need any more help, please fill out the contact form

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