If you have registered a business payout account (such as a sole proprietorship, company, partnership, or association), we need the following details: Legal business name, business registration address, business registration number, business email, and tax ID.
Please double-check that all information you provided is correct and update it in the requested format.
Business registration is your company's registration/ commercial number. Please make sure your input data is exactly the same as the document. Examples for each country:
Country | Company registration number | Example |
Austria | Firmenbuchnummer | FN123456m |
Croatia | MBS | 80020970 |
France | SIRET number or SIREN number | SIRET: 542051180-00066 SIREN: 542051180 |
Germany | Handelsregisternummer | HRB 100484 |
Italy | Codice fiscale or CCIAA number | Codice fiscale: 00470400011 CCIAA number: TO0091712 |
Netherlands | Kamer van Koophandel (KvK) | 34179503 |
Portugal | NIPC | 123456789 |
Spain | Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF) | A39000013 |
Slovenia | Matična številka | 1.01007E+11 |
Sweden | Organisationsnummer | 202100-5489 |
Switzerland | UID/IDE/IDI or CH-number | UID/IDE/IDI: CHE123456789 CH- number: CH-550.0.067.293-5 |
Please input your company Tax ID, NOT your personal Tax ID.
For countries that have two Tax Identity Numbers available, provide either one. The tax identification and business registration numbers are the same for some countries. Example for each country:
For countries that have two Tax Identity Numbers available, provide either one. The tax identification and business registration numbers are the same for some countries. Example for each country:
Country | Company Tax ID | Example |
Austria | Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer or Tax number | ATU51507409 or 079/8331 |
Croatia | Same as business registration number | MBS- 080020970 |
France | Same as business registration number | SIRET: 542051180-00066 SIREN: 542051180 |
Germany | Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer or Steuernummer | DE 115235681 or 143/102/60208 |
Italy | Same as business registration number | Codice fiscale: 00470400011 CCIAA number: TO0091712 |
Netherlands | Same as business registration number | KvK: 34179503 |
Portugal | Same as business registration number | NIPC: 123456789 |
Spain | Same as business registration number | NIF: A39000013 |
Slovenia | VAT/Tax number | 80267432 |
Sweden | Same as business registration number- Organisationsnummer | 202100-5489 |
Switzerland | Same as business registration numbers (UID/IDE/IDI or CH-number) | UID/IDE/IDI: CHE123456789 CH- number: CH-550.0.067.293-5 |
If you need any more help, please fill out the contact form.