What’s included in my booking confirmation email?

After booking a spot on roadsurfer spots you will receive a confirmation email with the subject “Booking confirmation” with your booking number.

For smoother communication, please use this booking number when contacting your host or our support team. You can find the following information in your confirmation email:

  • Your payment method
  • Booking overview:
    - Host name and address
    - The coordinates to your spot, including a Google Maps link
    - The description of your spot location (if provided by the host)
    - House rules (if provided by the host)
    - Your booking period
  • Host information: Your host’s contact details
  • Booking price breakdown

Kindly review the house rules and double-check your spot's check-in and check-out time. Hosts typically provide additional check-in details in the pitch directions. If there are any changes to your arrival plans, please make sure that you contact your hosts ahead of time.

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