Roadsurfer spots service fee

As a host, you don’t have to pay any fees! Hosting on roadsurfer spots is free for you!

To provide better services to all roadsurfer spots' users and to keep our website running, we charge a service fee to cover the costs for the operation and development of the platform in the booking checkout. 

Before booking, guests can view the price breakdown on the spot booking page. After booking, both guests and hosts for checking the price in detail on your booking confirmation e-mail.

Service fee for hosts 
As a host, you will receive the sum of the number of nights booked * price per spot per night. No service fee or commission is charged from hosts. You can view your booking confirmation e-mail for more details.
Service fee for guests 
The guest service fee is 20% of the spot price subtotal*, and the service fee amount is shown in the final price on the booking breakdown. To review the complete service fee amount, you can check your booking confirmation e-mail for more information.
* The booking subtotal includes
• spot nightly rate x (number of booked nights)
• + (if applicable) breakfast or additional guest charge
• + (if applicable) surcharge for seasons or categories
Additionally, every booking will apply a base fee of €2.50
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